How Entrepreneurial Couples Can Strengthen Their Relationship

John loved his wife and couldn’t understand why she couldn’t see that all the hard work he was putting into the business wasn’t just for him. For John, being a good good husband meant that he had to be a good provider; he was doing this for her, for them.

Yet, all he saw was Amy’s disappointment, constantly complaining about his work. “It seems like no matter what I do, it’s just never enough to make her happy”.

Amy was starting to feel hopeless, doubting that he would ever understand her feelings. Would she ever get her needs met in this relationship?

No doubt, entrepreneurship comes with a unique set of challenges.

The entrepreneur’s biggest complaint is typically that they need their partner to be more supportive.

While much like Amy, the other partner is left feeling neglected, unimportant, and unfulfilled in the relationship.

What makes things even more challenging is that when they try to ask about it, things always end up the same way. Both of left upset, feeling unheard, and alone.

The truth is, the entrepreneurial journey doesn’t have to drive a wedge between you and your partner. With the right mindset, communication strategies, and some proactive steps, you can succeed in business and in marriage!

In this post, we’ll break down these common relationship struggles entrepreneurial couples face and offer practical, actionable steps to improve communication and connection to can create a more secure and loving relationship, without sacrificing your work or your connection.

Common Struggles for Entrepreneurial Couples

1. Lack of Time and Presence:
Entrepreneurs often work long hours and may feel mentally drained at the end of the day. This lack of emotional and physical energy and presence in the relationship, causes a disconnect between you.

2. Communication Breakdowns:
When your partner finally gets home after working late, you may want to talk about things. Your partner, on the other hand is not in the mood to talk about anything, due to exhaustion from juggling the pressures of a business. Conversations either don’t go well, get cut short, or don’t happen at all. This is where distance and resentment start to grow.

3. Emotional Disconnection:
The entrepreneurial journey is often isolating, with emotional highs and lows. When couples don’t talk about these experiences is a loving supportive manner with each other, it can lead to a sense of loneliness for both of you. Over time, you may grow apart and stop turning to each other at all.

4. Misaligned Priorities:
When business becomes the central focus, personal goals and relationship needs can feel sidelined. This imbalance can create friction, especially if one partner feels they are no longer a priority.

Here are some practical ways to begin to improve your relationship, that you can put into action right away.

1. Schedule Intentional Connection Time
Designate specific times in your weekly calendar to connect with each other. This could be through a “non-negotiable date night” or just 15-30 minutes each day to talk—without distractions. During this time, avoid discussing work-related topics. Instead, ask about each other’s day, express appreciation, or share something personal.

Scheduling connection helps you and your partner rebuild secure attachment by prioritizing your relationship.Emotional availability is key to feeling safe and connected.

2. Create Small Consistent Touch Points Throughout Each day
John Gottman’s research shows that spending as little as five hours a week on quality interactions can significantly improve relationship satisfaction. That’s peanuts when you compare the number of hours you spend working or doing other activities.

Incorporate these five hours into your week in small, meaningful ways. These can include:
        •       Goodbye Ritual: Kiss your partner goodbye with intention every morning.
        •       Reunion: Greet your partner warmly after a long day with a hug or an affectionate gesture.
        •       Admiration and Appreciation: Share one thing you admire or appreciate about your partner each day.
        •       Affection: Physical touch, like holding hands or cuddling on the couch, can enhance emotional connection.
        •       Date Night: Dedicate one hour or more a week for a date—whether at home or out.

These moments create small but consistent “bids for connection,” which are essential for maintaining emotional closeness. Couples who regularly respond positively to these bids develop more secure and trusting relationships.

3. Practice Effective Communication
It’s so important to have meaningful conversations about your work and your relationship. During moments of stress, it’s easy for conversations to escalate into conflict. Making sure it is a good time for both of you to have a conversation, and being sure to use a “soft start-up” to approach to avoid triggering defensiveness. Be sure to take turns in the role of speaker, and listener.

Lastly, be sure to start with “I” statements and express your feelings without blame. For example:

        •       Instead of saying, “You never spend time with me anymore,” try: “I feel lonely when we don’t spend much time together. Can we talk about how to make more time for each other?”

Keep in mind that the goal here is understanding, closeness, and sharing vulnerable emotions rather than pointing fingers. This approach encourages connection by inviting your partner into the conversation with compassion rather than criticism.

4. Check in on Each Other’s Dreams and Goals

Entrepreneurs are often goal-oriented, but it’s important to involve your partner in those aspirations.

Once a month, set aside time to talk about your dreams and goals—both for the business and for your relationship. Ask your partner how they envision the future and how you can support each other.

By actively engaging in each other’s dreams, you foster a sense of teamwork and alignment. This reassures both partners that the relationship is a priority, even amidst business ambitions.

Maintaining a strong, healthy relationship while managing a business is challenging but absolutely possible. By prioritizing your emotional connection, practicing effective communication, and making small, intentional efforts, you can create a secure and loving partnership that supports both your personal and professional success.

Dr. Lisa Arango is a Certified EFT Therapist and Millennial Marriage expert. To learn more, visit her website, or contact her to schedule a consultation.


Avoidant Attachment Conflict Style